Wednesday, April 16, 2014

Our Exciting News!

Hello 2014! We thought 2012 would be an awesome year when we realized we were expecting Blake...and it was an amazing year. Then we thought 2013 would be an awesome year while we watched Blake grow and become a little man running around the house. It was an incredible year. The cool thing about our little life and our little family is that it just keeps getting better and better each year. We do have some exciting news for 2014! Contrary to what most people thought when I posted the below picture to Facebook, I am not pregnant. BUT We ARE...(drumroll please)...building a house!
This is the lot we picked (the one with the star below). It was one of those things where we turned around and saw it and just knew right away that we were supposed to build there. We are in love! 
We weren't necessarily planning on moving to a new house in the extreme near future. We knew we would eventually need a bigger house. One day I just decided to start looking at houses to see where the market was at and what all was out there. We looked for several months and decided that there wasn't another area in NWA that we liked better than where we were right now. Hyde Park is only about 3 minutes from our current house. We had a couple friends live there over the past couple years, and I have always been in love with the homes there. I happened to stumble across their website while I was searching for homes. When I realized that you could build custom homes in Hyde Park I was immediately interested. It was actually Aaron's idea to build a house someday. We just didn't realize it would be so soon. Everything just worked out really smoothly and everything just came together in such a way that we knew we would be crazy not to jump at this opportunity.
The best part is... this is my dream house. I can't believe we are really building it, but we are. It isn't one of those houses that you see 50 of in one neighborhood. It will totally be the only one of it's kind. It's gorgeous, and I love it. I can't wait to see it all come together. We did a few little customizations to the floor plan that we are really excited about. Plus we get to pick every little tiny detail from the outside color down to the doorknobs. It's 2700 sf with 5 bedrooms and 4 baths. It will be a big change from our current home of 1600 sf. We have loved our current home so much over the past years. It will always mean something special to us. We will be a little sad to leave it, but we are excited for our new house too!
Stay tuned for lots of updates. Right now we are busy packing and getting the house ready to sell in February. We are excited for this new little adventure. June seems like forever away!


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