Monday, April 14, 2014


Happy Halloween!
Funny story... I actually have always hated Halloween. I did (and still kind of do) think it's a stupid holiday. I especially hate all the gory costumes and nasty pranks. I think it's silly to celebrate evil, gross stuff. That being said, I'm learning to appreciate the fun side of it. I have decided that I won't let our kids wear any kind of gross, scary costume.
I'm discovering Halloween CAN be fun and be more than just scary stuff...especially when you have kids.
Here is a snack I made for the Young Women group at church. Pretty cute, huh?

We went to visit Aaron at his work for their Halloween parade. Blake was a little young to participate, but we dressed him up and walked him around anyways. It's not very often that I have an excuse to go visit Aaron at work.
Here are some funny signs we saw around his office.

Blake is Mr. Bones!

Emily and Chris are pretty new to their neighborhood, so I told them that they could come trick-or-treat in our neighborhood if they wanted to. We always have lots of trick-or-treaters, so I knew it would be fun for them. They came and went door to door and then all the kids got into their PJ's, which happened to all match! We had hot chocolate and lots of candy, and then it was time for bed.
But not before Blake did some chores...sweeping is his FAVORITE!

Daddy and Blake with my Halloween decorations. I was pretty impressed with myself!

A little snack for Blake...

We went to a Halloween party this year as well. It was a Super Hero vs. Villain theme. Since we love "The Avengers," Aaron went as Agent Coulson from Shield and I was Black Widow. Pretty successful! It was a lot of fun. I gave us props for showing up in a somewhat creative costume since almost everyone else there was dressed as Cat Woman or Batman. :)

Stay safe, and Happy Halloween!

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