Between church callings, work, and just life in general sometimes a mini vacation is in order! We decided to take a little weekend trip to Branson, MO. It's only about 2 hours from our house. We knew we wouldn't be able to do a lot of the big attractions like Silver Dollar City with Blake at this age, so we thought it would be fun to rent a cabin for the weekend and just relax, watch movies, and play games. So that's what we did! It was amazing. It rained the entire time we were there, so we just stayed in our little cabin and enjoyed hearing the rain on the roof. We would totally do it again. The funny thing was that our cabin was right in the middle of Branson, so we were close to a lot of things and yet when you went outside it felt like you were in the middle of the forest. We also took a short trip up to Springfield, MO to see the original Bass Pro Shop. It was awesome! Aaron compares it to the Disneyland for outdoorsmen. It was so entertaining just to walk through! We didn't even buy anything. Take a look!
Oh and we were there over the 4th of May....May the 4th be with you! Check out Blake's awesome onesie I made him for the occasion!

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