Our first day home from the hospital!
My parents drove down the day Blake was born, and Aaron's parents flew in two days later.
When Blake left the hospital, he was completely healthy. About two days after he was born, he started looking very tan to me. At first I thought he just had an olive skin tone, but by the next day it was really looking tan/orange. We had our follow up appointment with Blake's doctor that day. As soon as we walked in, the doctor mentioned his skin tone and said he wanted to test his bilirubin levels. He had been a little over two weeks early and because of that, he had the signs of jaundice. They took his blood samples, which as a new (slightly emotional from all the hormones) mom, I was devastated watching him scream. After that we met Aaron's parents for lunch and some shopping. While we were shopping, the doctor called to tell us that Blake's bilirubin levels were high enough that he needed to be admitted to the ICU. I broke down and started crying. I JUST LEFT the hospital, and I did not want to go back.
When we arrived, Blake's pediatrician came in to check on him. The pediatrician's office is right next to the hospital which is convenient. When he came in and started talking about Blake and how he would possibly have to be in the hospital for a couple of days and how I wouldn't be able to hold him while he was under the lights... I broke down and started crying for the second time that day! The pediatrician told me that in a weird way he was glad I was crying. He said it "warms a pediatrician's heart" to see a mother caring for her child so much.
Mommy and Blake cuddling in the ICU.
Blake had to be kept under special lights constantly unless I was feeding him. He had to wear special protective eyewear, which he was constantly trying to pull off.
It wasn't anything life threatening, but I was so sad. They would only allow one of us to stay with him overnight in the ICU, so I stayed while Aaron stayed at our house with his parents. I think I was just so emotional from just giving birth, all the hormones raging around inside, and Aaron wasn't with me through the night. I cried for what seemed like forever. Luckily I think I got all my emotions out at the hospital because that was the last of my emotional breakdowns. But come on.. you have to give me a break...I couldn't hold my baby because he was hooked up to all these monitors under the lights. It was awful. Mostly I just sat and watched TV. The nurses were all so sweet. They were constantly checking in on me to see how I was doing. They all would come in to gather around and look at Blake and talk about how cute he was.
The next morning, the doctor came in to tell me that Blake's bilirubin had actually gone up during the night, but that it was starting to decrease a little now. We would have to stay at least through most of the day. They would draw blood again at 5pm. It was a long day....
Daddy changing Blake's diaper in the ICU.
Our Little Sunbather
I'm so grateful for priesthood blessings and for Aaron's love and support. Love him!
Blake's 1 Week Picture- Every week, we are going to take a picture of Blake next to his little alligator to show how much he's grown! We are ready for this adventure-Bring it on!